Dances and Songs of Spanish Nights.
The Moon, the Stars, Earth and Wind as Inspiration
in the Music of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Summer Refectory
Strahovské nádvoří 1/132, Praha 1
Eva Jornet
recorders -
Iris Mañà
recorders -
Moisés Maroto
recorders -
Marcel Leal
recorders -
Daniel Garay
historical percussion
Cancionero de Uppsala
¡Ay, luna que reluces!
Falalalan falalalera
Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla (1590–1664)
Las estrellas se ríen
Juan Pérez Bocanegra (1560–1645)
Hanacpachap cussicuinin
Tonada El Congo
Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz (1626–1677)
Gaspar Sanz (ca 1640–1710)
Juan Bonet de Paredes (ca 1647–1710)
Flores, ¡a escuchar los dos ruiseñores!
Sebastián Durón (1660–1716)
Gaitilla de mano izquierda
Quedito airecillo
Santiago de Murcia (1673–1739)
Folias Gallegas
Manuel Mesa y Carrizo (1725–1773)
Las flores y las estrellas
Juan Aranés († 1649)
Chacona A la vida bona
Through dance and song, one can celebrate the moon or the stars, express every emotion, merge with nature, turn to God... Especially on the Iberian Peninsula and in Central and South America in the 16th and 17th centuries, where we will go with Windu, an energetic quartet of players of various wind instruments.
In their first ever performance in Prague, this original ensemble will present all members of the recorder family. They will perform a variety of typical rhythms, motifs and smaller musical forms such as the tonada, folía, jácara, canario or romanesca, as well as excerpts from the famous Spanish manuscripts – Canconieros. The outstanding percussionist Daniel Garay will ensure the proper tempo of the concert.
Summer Refectory
Strahovské nádvoří 1/132, Praha 1
Partners of the concert
With the kind support of the Embassy of Spain in Prague, the Instituto Cervantes in Prague, the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov.

Eva Jornet
Eva Jornet – recorder and Baroque bassoon player, music educator, teacher of recorder, chamber music and consort at the Conservatorio Profesional de Sabadell – studied under Sara Parés, Vicente Parrilla, Pedro Couto Soares, Pierre Hamon, Fanette Estrade, and Maurice Steger.
She has worked as a stage musician with the Nao d’amores company, performing in nine of their shows, and has been involved in co-productions with the Teatro de La Abadía, the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico (Madrid), and the Teatro da Cornucópia in Lisbon, under the direction of Ana Zamora and the musical direction of Alicia Lázaro. She has collaborated with various early music groups, including Opus 5, Musica Ficta, the Tactus Collective, the Orquestra de Cambra del Penedés, and Sforzinda, and has performed as a soloist at the Teatro Real with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid. She was awarded First Prize in the Sören Sieg Music Video Competition 2021.

Iris Mañà
Recorder player, harpist, and music educator, teacher of the recorder, harp and music at the Conservatorio Professional de Música in Badalona and at the Escola de Música Municipal de L’Ametlla del Vallès, Iris Mañà studied under Sara Parés, Thomas List, and Andrea Hampl.
Since 2013, she has been a member of the Ancor Ensemble, playing the recorder and Gothic harp. It was with this ensemble that she received a scholarship from the Swiss Stiftung Dr. Robert und Lina Thyll-Dürr in 2014, won the Bank Austria Award and finished as a finalist in the International Young Artists Competition in York in 2015.
Since the same year, she has been the harpist for Live Musik Now, an organisation founded by Yehudi Menuhin. She regularly collaborates with various orchestras, which takes her to renowned concert halls across Europe, such as the Musikverein Wien, the Brucknerhaus Linz, the Stefaniensaal in Graz, or L’Auditori and the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona. Since 2018, she has sung soprano in the Cor Bruckner Barcelona, performing in a range of musical projects.

Moisés Maroto
Moisés Maroto, recorder player and music educator at the Escuela de Música del Canal in Madrid, studied under Anna Margules, Pedro Sousa Silva, and Pedro Memelsdorff.
He has been a member of several orchestras and ensembles, including the Renaissance group O Bando de Surunyo, as well as the Arte Mínima and the Sesquialtera Ensemble led by Pedro Sousa Silva. In 2016, Moisés joined the Nao d’amores theatre company and performed as an instrumentalist in their shows under the direction of Ana Zamora and musical direction of Alicia Lázaro.
Moisés is a member and founder of the group Barrock’n’roll, an ensemble which has received awards including a prize at the 2013 Concurso Internacional de Música Antigua in Gijón. He is a member of the group Continuum XXI, supported by the Deutscher Musikrat, and is a member and founder of the Serendipia Ensemble, with which he has performed at prestigious festivals such as the Festival Internacional de Arte Sacro in Madrid.

Marcel Leal
Recorder player, music educator, teacher of the recorder and the music and modern technologies course at the Conservatorio Professional de Música in Badalona, scriptwriter, director, and industrial engineer. Marcel Leal studied under Eulàlia Galofré, Abel Puig, Sara Parés, Alexandrina Polo, Jordi Argelaga, Lluís Casso, and Pedro Memelsdorff. He presented Ultreia et Suseia, a musical show for stage about the musical journey of the Camino de Santiago pilgrims, as his graduate project.
As a filmmaker, he has made a number of videos and short films: Los años del silencio (The Years of Silence) received several awards and was selected for more than 60 international festivals. In addition, he directed the documentary Otra forma de curar (Another Way of Healing), which was filmed in Mali.
As a recorder player, he has participated in and been a member of various productions and ensembles, including the Atem Trio, the Dúo Scherzo, the En Bloc Quartet, Sforzinda, Windu, and Novum Organum.

Daniel Garay
historical percussion
Daniel completed his studies in historical percussion under Pedro Estevan at the Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña, where he also studied modern drum kit and classical percussion.
As a percussionist specialising in early music, he has been a member and collaborator of a number of groups such as Le Concert des Nations, Hespèrion XXI, the Euskal Barrokensemble, Concerto Copenhagen, the Accademia del Piacere, Al Ayre Español, La Ritirata, the Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla, the Collegium Musicum Madrid, the Capilla Santa María, the Georgian Sinfonietta, Windu, Luz y Norte, La Spagna, Opera Omnia, El Concierto Español, Nereydas, Secretvm, La Galanía, La Fenice, and Forma Antiqva, among others.
With these ensembles, he has recorded several CDs and participated in various programs throughout much of Spain and other countries. In addition, he has worked with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Bilbao, the Et Incarnatus Orchestra, and Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico.