
Dances and Songs of Spanish Nights.
The Moon, the Stars, Earth and Wind as Inspiration
in the Music of the 16th and 17th Centuries

Thursday 21. 07. 2022 | 15.30 Strahov Monastery
Summer Refectory
Strahovské nádvoří 1/132, Praha 1
With intermission


Cancionero de Uppsala
¡Ay, luna que reluces!
Falalalan falalalera
Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla (1590–1664)
Las estrellas se ríen
Juan Pérez Bocanegra (1560–1645)
Hanacpachap cussicuinin
Tonada El Congo
Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz (1626–1677)
Gaspar Sanz (ca 1640–1710)
Juan Bonet de Paredes (ca 1647–1710)
Flores, ¡a escuchar los dos ruiseñores!
Sebastián Durón (1660–1716)
Gaitilla de mano izquierda
Quedito airecillo
Santiago de Murcia (1673–1739)
Folias Gallegas
Manuel Mesa y Carrizo (1725–1773)
Las flores y las estrellas
Juan Aranés († 1649)
Chacona A la vida bona




Through dance and song, one can celebrate the moon or the stars, express every emotion, merge with nature, turn to God... Especially on the Iberian Peninsula and in Central and South America in the 16th and 17th centuries, where we will go with Windu, an energetic quartet of players of various wind instruments.


In their first ever performance in Prague, this original ensemble will present all members of the recorder family. They will perform a variety of typical rhythms, motifs and smaller musical forms such as the tonada, folía, jácara, canario or romanesca, as well as excerpts from the famous Spanish manuscripts – Canconieros. The outstanding percussionist Daniel Garay will ensure the proper tempo of the concert.


Strahov Monastery

Summer Refectory
Strahovské nádvoří 1/132, Praha 1

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Partners of the concert

With the kind support of the Embassy of Spain in Prague, the Instituto Cervantes in Prague, the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov.