Lilium angelicum

Medieval and Renaissance Poetry
in the Work of Adrian Willaert (1490–1562)

Tuesday 19. 07. 2022 | 16.00 The Church of Our Lady and Slavic Saints
Vyšehradská 49/320, Praha 1 – Nové Město, 128 00
Without intermission


Adrian Willaert (1490–1562)
Missa Mittit ad Virginem


Madrigals and motets:
Quando di rose d’oro
O gloriosa Domina
Mittit ad virginem
A quand’haveva
Passa la nave
Ave Maria


Andrea Gabrieli (1532/1533–1585)
Sassi, Palae, sabbion


Gregorian chant
Audi filia
Tota pulchra es
Ave maris stella
Beatam me dicent
Gaudeamus omnes
Assumpta es Maria


Terry Wey – countertenor
Bernd Oliver Fröhlich – tenor
Julian Podger – tenor
Tim Scott Whiteley – baritone
Joachim Höchbauer – bass


Adrian Willaert, one of the most remarkable composers of his time, was born near the West Flemish town of Roeselare. From the same town comes Tore Tom Denys, founder and artistic director of the ensemble Dionysos Now! It is no coincidence then, that this concert will be a tribute to the Flemish musician who served as chapelmaster at St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice for a commendable 35 years.


The thematic axis of the concert will be Marian symbolism. The evening will open with a choral sequence relating to the moment when the angel Gabriel, holding a white lily, announced to the Virgin Mary the Incarnation of the Son of God. The choral melodies will be replaced by translucent, contrapuntally elaborate polyphonic mass and motets and melodically lush madrigals. May Willaert’s music, admired and imitated by contemporaries and successors alike, speak with the same intensity at the opening concert of the Summer Festivities of Early Music!

We offer a ticket to the concert for 100 CZK for students! For more information click here.


The Church of Our Lady and Slavic Saints

Vyšehradská 49/320, Praha 1 – Nové Město, 128 00

Show on map

Partners of the concert

With the kind support of the Government of Flanders.