Rules for competitions on Facebook
General rules applicable to all FB and IG competitions organized on the corporate profile @collmarianum and @letnislavnosti respectively collegiummarianum
1. The organiser of the Facebook competitions is Collegium Marianum – Týnská škola s.r.o. with registered office at Vodičkova 700/32, 110 00 Prague 1; ID No.: 25700359, VAT No.: CZ25700359, contact details:, tel.: +420 224 229 462, 731 448 346, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 62365, registered on 12 October 1998 (hereinafter referred to as the “Organiser”)
2. The Contests are in no way operated, sponsored by, or associated with Facebook and Facebook is not responsible for their conduct. The information provided in the Contests is provided by you to the Promoter and will not be disclosed to Facebook in any way. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contests must be directed to the Contest Organizer, not Facebook. 3. The method of selection is always determined by the additional rules stated in the contest entry.
4. The organiser of the competition reserves the right, without compensation, to postpone, interrupt or cancel the event and the marketing competition or unilaterally change or amend its rules throughout its duration by announcing any such change on the Facebook profile @collmarianum or @letnislavnosti or on the instagram profile collegiummarianum, which shall take effect for the organiser and the participants of the competition.
5. The organiser of the competition reserves the right to exclude from the competition all participants who are suspected of having committed fraudulent behaviour during the competition. There is no appeal against the Promoter’s decision.
6. By registering for the competition, the participant acknowledges that his/her personal data provided to the organiser and the organiser in connection with participation in the competition will be processed by Collegium Marianum – Týnská škola s.r.o. with registered office at Vodičkova 700/32, 110 00 Prague 1; ID No.: 25700359, VAT No.: CZ25700359, as the data controller.
The Contestant grants the Organizer consent to the processing of the personal data provided for the purpose of handing over the prize, solving questions related to participation in the Contest for a period of 10 years from the date of entry into the Contest. The consent is granted by the Contestant in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”). The personal data provided will be processed in the scope of name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, home address and other data entered during the Contest. Providing the data is a condition of participation in the competition. The personal data controller is the Organiser, see Article 1. The competitors’ personal data will be processed in accordance with the rules set out on the Organiser’s website:
The competitor has the right to withdraw his/her consent to the processing of personal data by written request delivered to the Organiser’s registered office. Withdrawal of consent is effective from the moment of its delivery to the Organiser. Withdrawal of consent during the competition or before the prize is handed over will lead to the contestant’s exclusion from the competition. The Contestant also has the rights pursuant to Sections 12 and 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., i.e. in particular the right to access information about the processing of data concerning him/her, the right to have it corrected, to have the defective state of the data removed, to have the personal data blocked or to have it destroyed, as well as the right to compensation for any damages pursuant to the relevant legislation, and the right to an explanation if he/she believes that the processing is in breach of the protection of private and personal life.
Published Winners of the Competition will be contacted by the Organiser in order to consent to the publication of their personal data in the following scope: the name of the Competitor in the media (including the Internet), in particular on the Facebook pages @collmarianum or @letnislavnosti or on the instagram profile of collegiummarianum. If this consent is withdrawn at the time when the Personal Data has already been published in accordance with these Rules, the Organiser cannot be sued for the removal of the publication that is no longer in its possession (in particular, publication in media owned by entities other than the Organiser). To obtain information regarding the security of the protection of Personal Data, the procedure for its use and the exercise of the rights of the data subject, the Contestant may contact the Promoter at
7. By submitting an entry to the Competition, each Contestant grants to the Organizer a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, territorially, quantitatively, temporally and technologically unlimited license to use all entries and other content for the duration of the author’s or owner’s proprietary rights in such intellectual property and for all possible purposes of use (hereinafter referred to as the “License”), including the right to modify, alter or use such copyrighted work together with another work at any time (i.e.
8. Use of the Work in particular in all ways pursuant to the provisions of Section 12(1) and (4) of the Copyright Act). The Contestant is responsible for ensuring that the submission of the Contest Entry and its subsequent publication on Facebook does not infringe the rights of third parties and does not interfere with the copyright of third parties. Nor may they be directed against Collegium Marianum – Týnská škola s.r.o. Such entries will be automatically excluded from the competition.
9. Persons who are in an employment or similar relationship with the companies of the Collegium Marianum – Týnská škola s.r.o. group or who are considered to be close to employees or members of the statutory body of the companies of the Collegium Marianum – Týnská škola s.r.o. group are excluded from the competition,
10. The competition is open to natural persons over 18 years of age who have full legal capacity and permanent residence in the Czech Republic and persons under 18 years of age who will be represented by a legal representative in the event of winning.
11. If the winner of the contest does not contact the social network within 7 days after the announcement of the results, the prize will be forfeited to the organizer with immediate effect and without the possibility of revocation. 13. In Prague on 15.6.2018