Jubilate Deo

Polychoral Music in Venetian and Saxon Churches


Ascanio Trombetti (1544–1590)
Jubilate Deo omnis terra a 10
Orlando di Lasso (1532–1594)
Laudate Dominum a 7
Claudio Merulo (1533–1604)
Ecce Maria genuit a 7

Andrea Gabrieli (1532–1583)
Beati immaculati in via a 8
Michael Praetorius (1571–1621)
Passameze & Gaillarde, Bransle de la Torche, Courrante de Monsieur de Terme, Pavane de Spaigne & La Canarie
In dich hab ich gehoffet Herr
Giovanni Gabrieli (1555/57–1612)
Sonata a 7
Intonazione per organo
In Ecclesii
Allesandro Grandi (1586–1630)
Messa concertate a 8 Kyrie, Gloria
Heinrich Schütz (1585–1672)
Herr, unser Herrscher SWV 449
Fili mi Absalon SWV 269
Samuel Scheidt (1587–1654)
Padouana & Galliard-Battaglia (Ludi Musici Hamburg 1621)
Concert with intermission. Expected end of the concert 21:15.


Friederike Otto – cornetto
Miroslav Kuzl – cornetto
Angelica Grünert – viola da braccio
Ercole Nisini – trombone
Sebastian Krause – trombone
Christoph Scheerer – trombone
Elisabeth Kaufhold – bass dulcian, recorder
Nora Hansen – alto and bass dulcian
Zita Mikijanska – organ positiv, harpsichord


Barbora Kabátková – soprano
Antonina Ruda – soprano
Veronika Vojířová – soprano
Daniela Čermáková – alto
Vojtěch Semerád – tenor
Filip Dámec – tenor
Ondřej Holub – tenor
Tomáš Lajtkep – tenor
Čeněk Svoboda – tenor
Martin Schicketanz – baritone
Jaromír Nosek – bass
Václav Jeřábek – bass
Kateřina Ghannudi – arpa doppia
Jan Krejča – theorbo


The passion of music can have the power to change people’s names! Such was the case of the renowned trombonist from Bologna, Ascanio Cavallari, who played the instrument with such brilliance that everybody dubbed him Ascanio Trombetti.


Ercole Nisini, another native of the Apennines, also has a predilection for old trombones, the so-called sackbuts, and his love of music has determined his life. After moving to Dresden he established Instrumenta Musica with which he regularly performs at the famous Frauenkirche.


For their Prague performance, Nisini’s brasses will join their forces with the vocalists of Cappella Mariana, directed by Vojtěch Semerád. The Prague church of Sts Simon and Jude with its balconies and organ loft is as inspiring for the riveting polychoral techniques as the Dresden temple.

Partners of the concert

With kind support of the Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds.


Concert ticket for 100Kč! For more information click here.