Erató & Caritas

Forms of Love in Italian Early Baroque Music

Monday 24. 07. 2023 | 16.00 Troja Château
U Trojského zámku 1, Prague 7
With intermission


Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)
Nigra sum
Signor, quell’infelice
Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677)
Surgite, surgite
L’Eraclito amoroso
Giulio Caccini (1550–1618)
Dolcissimo sospiro
Amarilli, mia bella
Torna, deh torna pargoletto mio
Giovanni Felice Sances (1600–1679)
Stabat Mater
Claudia Sessa (ca 1570–1619)
Occhio io vissi di voi
Diego Ortiz (1510–1576)
Recercada quarta
Alessandro Grandi (1570–1630)
O quam tu pulchra es
Johann Kapsberger (1580–1651)
Toccata arpeggiata
Riccardo Rognoni (1550–1620)
Anchor che col partire
Bartolomeo de Selma y Salaverde (1595–1640)
Susanne un jour
and others


Margit Übellacker – salterio
Giovanna Pessi – triple harp
Francis Jacob – harpsichord, positive organ


The turn of the 16th and 17th centuries is one of the most remarkable and important periods in the history of music. To this day, it continues to fascinate listeners with its imitation of human speech in all its nuances, captivating dance rhythms, refined embellishments and unusual harmonic connections. The concert, entitled Erato & Caritas, will give listeners a taste of late Renaissance and early Baroque compositions of Southern European provenance, in which we find impressive expressions of deep emotion, passion, pain and longing in both earthly and heavenly senses.
The imaginary patronage of the concert has been assumed by the most beautiful of the Muses – Erato, who cares for love poems and songs, and the personification of Christian love – Caritas, one of the most important values of Christian teaching. The story of the diversity of love will be told by the Flemish ensemble Hathor Consort under the artistic direction of Romina Lischka together with the outstanding soprano Hannah Morrison.


Troja Château

U Trojského zámku 1, Prague 7

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Partners of the concert

The concert is held with the kind support of the Government of Flanders and Prague 7 City District and in collaboration with the Prague City Gallery.