Delfín amoroso

Love and Nature in the Music
of the Spanish and Italian Renaissance

Monday 25. 07. 2022 | 16.00 Troja Château
U Trojského zámku 1, Prague 7
With intermission


Diego Pisador (ca 1509–1557)
Si los delfines mueren de amores


Anonym (1595)
L’amoroso Delfino


Diego Ortiz (ca 1510–1570)
Recercada primera sobre el canto de La Spagna


Alonso Mudarra (1510–1580)
Claros y frescos rios
Fantasia que contraze la harpa en la manera de Luduvico


Francesco da Milano (1497–1543)
La Spagna
La canzon delli ucelli


Luys de Narváez (činný 1526–1549)
Si tantos halcones la garça combaten


Cosimo Bottegari (1554–1620)
Nel bel giardin d’amor viddi una rosa
Zefiro torna


Riccardo Rognoni (ca 1550–1620)
Ancor che col partire


Juan Vásquez (ca 1500–1560)
De los álamos vengo, madre


Rafael Muñoz – vihuela de mano
Laura Puerto – Spanish Baroque double harp
Sara Ruiz – viola da gamba


This concert with the poetic title Delfín amoroso is an imaginary dialogue between two musical superpowers of the Western Mediterranean. The first half of the evening will belong to the period of the greatest flowering of Spanish culture, aptly called the Siglo de Oro (Golden Century). The second half will resound with examples of Italian vocal and instrumental music of the late Renaissance. In addition to the captivating timbre of the viola da gamba, listeners will be able to sample the sound of two aristocratic and truly virtuosic instruments – the vihuela de mano and the Spanish Baroque double-row harp.


Renaissance vocal virtuosity, however, is no match for the instrumental equivalent. The conversation between human voice and musical instruments will thus create a fascinating musical experience that will make this evening unforgettable – no doubt thanks to the artistry of the ensemble La Bellemont and soprano Julieta Viñas.


Troja Château

U Trojského zámku 1, Prague 7

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Partners of the concert

With the kind support of the Embassy of Spain in Prague, the Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and in collaboration with the Prague City Gallery.