Canto d’Orfeo
The Mythical Singer in Baroque Operas
Dušní/U Milosrdných, Prague – Old Town
Delphine Galou
contralto -
Collegium Marianum
Baroque orchestra -
Jana Semerádová
flauto traverso, artistic leader -
Lenka Torgersen
baroque violin, concert master
Jana Semerádová – flauto traverso
Lenka Torgersen, Malgorzata Malke, Magdalena Mašlaňová, Magdalena Malá, Vojtěch Jakl, Michal Klas, Daniel Podroužek – Baroque violin
Andreas Torgersen, Jonáš Kolomý – Baroque viola
Hana Fleková – Baroque cello
Luděk Braný – double bass
Filip Hrubý – harpsichord
Jan Krejča – theorbo
Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741)
Sinfonia in C major
Sinfonia in G major „Coro delle Muse“
Io son rea dell’onor mio (Argippo)
Johann Joseph Fux (1660–1741)
Felice io me n’andrò (Orfeo ed Euridice)
Io di Lete su la sponda (Orfeo ed Euridice)
Passacaille from Ouverture in G minor
Carl Heinrich Graun (1704–1759)
Mio bel Nume (L’Orfeo)
In mirar la mia sventura (L’Orfeo)
Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714–1787)
Danse des Ombres heureuses (L’Orphée et Eurydice)
Che farò senza Euridice (Orfeo ed Euridice)
Johann Joachim Quantz (1697–1773)
Concerto for flute and orchestra in D major
The mythical singer Orpheus himself will be present at the ceremonial closing of the 24th Summer Festivities of Early Music. The son of Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry, was blessed with an enchanting voice and was able to captivate both human and mythical beings with his musical art. The Canto d’Orfeo concert in the Church of St. Simon and St. Jude will be an extraordinary artistic experience, dominated by the delicious timbre of the French alto Delphine Galou, the graceful flute in the hands of Jana Semerádová and the interpretive mastery of the Collegium Marianum ensemble in residence.
The immortal love story of Orpheus and Eurydice and their dramatic fate will come to life in a programme of arias and overtures from Baroque operas by Antonio Vivaldi, Christoph Willibald Gluck, Johann Joseph Fux and Carl Heinrich Graun. In their masterful compositions we will find scintillating emotions of sincere joy, explosive excitement and profound sadness, as well as expressions of peaceful repose and heavenly tranquillity. The final concert of the festival will be a tribute to the mythical singer Orpheus, whose art was worshipped by gods, humans, animals, natural elements and creatures from the underworld.
We offer a ticket to the concert for 100 CZK for students! For more information click here.
Dušní/U Milosrdných, Prague – Old Town
Show on mapPartners of the concert
The concert is held with the kind support of the French Institute in Prague.

Delphine Galou

Collegium Marianum
Baroque orchestra

Jana Semerádová
flauto traverso, artistic leader

Lenka Torgersen
baroque violin, concert master