Solo for the king

Three Generations of Royal Harpsichordists

Thursday 20.07.2017 | 17:30 Břevnov Monastery
Markétská 1, Praha 6



Jacques Champion de Chambonnières (1601–1672)

Jean-Henry D’Anglebert (1629–1691)
Suite en ré mineur (1689)

Antoine Forqueray (1672–1745)
(Transcription by J.-B. Forqueraye)
La Portugaise (Suite No. 1 d moll)
La Sylva, La Jupiter (Suite No. 5 c moll)

François Couperin (1668–1733)
La Ménetou – Septiéme ordre
Le Dodo ou l’amour au berceau – Quizième ordre
Passacaille Huitième – Ordre

Pancrace Royer (1705–1755)
La Sensible
La Marche Des Scythes


Long gone are those golden, sunny times when the sound of harpsichord pervaded the king’s chambers (although Louis XIV would have rather said clavecin since “harpsichord” is too close to the more popular and less distinguished “harp”). We are therefore extremely lucky to have the eminent French clavecinist Jean Rondeau come to Prague on 20 July and invite us on a tour of those royal chambers where such legendary players as Jean-Henri d’Anglebert, François Couperin, or Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer chimed their winged instruments with the nimble touch of their fingers. Good old times, indeed. But since music does not heed time, their fame has lasted till today; just as in the tromp l’oeil painting on the ceiling of the Theresian Hall in Břevnov Monastery the pheasant keeps coming back to life in front of the eyes of the ever amazed Bohemian hermit Gunther.


Břevnov Monastery

Markétská 1, Praha 6

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Partners of the concert

With the kind support of the French Institute and in collaboration with the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles.