Camerismo sinfonico
Camerismo sinfonico
Dvousté výročí úmrtí zakladatele kvartetní formy Luigi Boccheriniho
Quartetto Luigi Tomasini (Maďarsko)
László Paulik a Erzsébet Rácz – housle
Éva Posvanecz – viola
Balázs Máté – violoncello
Neděle 10. 7. 2005, 19:30 hod.
Collegium Marianum, Barokní knihovní sál, Melantrichova 19, Praha
Pokud hovoříme o rodákovi z italské Luccy Luigi Boccherinim (1743-1805) jako o zakladateli, nebo spíše tvůrci kvartetní formy, máme na mysli především počet jeho skladeb pro toto komorní seskupení. Narozdíl od Josepha Haydna, kterému bývá tento titul rovněž připisován, totiž byl výkonným hráčem prvního známého stabilního smyčcového kvarteta, které jako vynikající violoncellista spolu s kolegy v 60. letech 18. století založil. Pro svůj ansámbl složil 97 kvartetů, které v jeho podání zazněly v Itálii, Francii a Španělsku. Do naší festivalové dramaturgie patří také proto, že od roku 1768 působil v Madridu ve službách budoucího krále Carla IV. a jistě zde ovlivnil místní hudebníky.
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Camerismo sinfonico
Bicentenary of the death of the founder of the quartet form, Luigi Boccherini
Quartetto Luigi Tomasini (Hungary)
Sunday 10 July 2005, 7.30 pm
Collegium Marianum, Baroque Library Hall, Melantrichova 19, Praha 1
A native of the Italian Lucca, Luigi Boccherini (1743–1805) can be considered one of the founders of the string-quartet form especially on account of his prolific output for this chamber line-up. Contrary to Joseph Haydn who is also often ascribed with this title, Boccherini was an active quartet player. A phenomenal cellist, he co-founded the first known stable string quartet in the 1760s. The ensemble, for which he composed 97 quartets, performed in Italy, France and Spain. This programme fell within the line of the general theme of the 2005 SFEM “Música de España” since Boccherini served from 1768 onwards at the Madrid court of the future king Carl IV and influenced Spanish composers of the time.
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Camerismo sinfonico
Bicentenary of the death of the founder of the quartet form, Luigi Boccherini
Quartetto Luigi Tomasini (Hungary)
Sunday 10 July 2005, 7.30 pm
Collegium Marianum, Baroque Library Hall, Melantrichova 19, Praha 1
A native of the Italian Lucca, Luigi Boccherini (1743–1805) can be considered one of the founders of the string-quartet form especially on account of his prolific output for this chamber line-up. Contrary to Joseph Haydn who is also often ascribed with this title, Boccherini was an active quartet player. A phenomenal cellist, he co-founded the first known stable string quartet in the 1760s. The ensemble, for which he composed 97 quartets, performed in Italy, France and Spain. This programme fell within the line of the general theme of the 2005 SFEM “Música de España” since Boccherini served from 1768 onwards at the Madrid court of the future king Carl IV and influenced Spanish composers of the time.
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