Masterclass 2024

Masterclass 2024

Renaissance and early Baroque music mainly of German and Italian provenance

Thursday 25. 7. 2024, 10.00
Melantrichova 971/19, Prague 1

shawm, pommer, dulcian, Renessaince trombone, recorder.

Individuals or intrumental ensembles may apply.


Katharina Bäuml – artistic director


Please submit your application before 20. 6. 2024.

Language: English, German

1 lesson: 45 minutes


Interpretation courses are free of charge after completing a binding registration.


Workshop is organized
with the kind financial support of the Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds
and with partnership and participation of The Municipality of Prague 1 within Baroque Meetings project.

Monika Václová


For application, fill in the form below.


Interpretation courses are free of charge after completing a binding registration.

ZÁVAZNÁ PŘIHLÁŠKA na interpretační kurzy 25. 7. 2024 /
APPLICATION FORM for masterclass 28 July 2023

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